1. We are the Skull Garrison, we stand by our values of Honor and Respect. There is a Skull inside all of us meaning that we are one and the same. We live to serve and serve to live. We are the Skull Garrison and we'll be Skulls till the End!

Mercs "Migennes Collectors 13" Invasion Debriefing

Tema en 'Mandalorian Mercs News' iniciado por Mando Mercs News, 11 Mar 2013.

  1. Mando Mercs News

    Mando Mercs News Usuario registrado


    Invasion Location: "Migennes Collectors 13" - Migennes, (FRANCE)
    Date: February 23-24, 2013
    Clan Involved: Orar Galaar Clan
    Mission Objective: For the first trooping of the year, the clan's officers had to gather and talk about CE2, strenghten the bounds with the 501st French new ceo, have a nice trooping and look for some new recruits.

    Invasion Report: It was a good trooping under heavy snow. The clan was there with 3 officers, and could train for CE2, gather the goodies like t-shirts, patches, stickers and banner. A good discussion and organisation was needed to speak for our future convention in Cusset, there we will have a place for the clan, with 2 tables. The Alor'ad took time to brief and train his officers. It was also possible to motivate the new members to make it official till CE2. The alliance between the Mercs "Orar Galaar" and the 501st French Garrison is now even stronger and turns to a real brotherhood. New recruits are planed.

    A lot of visitors enjoyed the Migennes convention and the Mercs and the 501st were a real popular attraction. A lot of fun for this first of 2013.

    Original report by A'DEN SHASH

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