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Fans, Rebels, and Imperials Invade Toronto Fan Expo 2014

Discussion in 'Star Wars News' started by Star Wars Blog, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. Star Wars Blog

    Star Wars Blog Skull Officer Administrador

    Jan 7, 2013
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    Toronto Fan Expo was August 28-31. Said to be the third largest pop culture convention in North America, the show packs the Metro Toronto Convention Center wall-to-wall with fans.

    Disney Canada and Lucasfilm presented a Star Wars Rebels booth on the show floor, and the highlight of the weekend: a screening of Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion on Friday. This was only the second public screening of the movie, the first being at San Diego Comic-Con International.

    Of course I took no photographs during the screening – no cameras allowed! – but here are a few of my favorite shots and stories from the Rebels experience at Toronto Fan Expo.

    No wonder Chopper was grumpy when he arrived in his crate to the exhibit hall for setup on Wednesday. That looks uncomfortable even for a droid!

    Rebels beware! The 501st Legion stopped by the booth on their parade through the show on Friday, and showed off Imperial might.


    Whenever R2-D2 rolled into the Rebels booth, he made sure to remind Chopper that he was not the only droid who could thrill a crowd.

    Clone trooper helmet made entirely out of white chocolate. Excellent stuff!


    “This picture would be so much better if only I could get Ezra’s helmet on…”

    Rebel pilot and a Death Trooper. All were photobombed by flip-flop troopers in the end.

    Flip-flop troopers meet the Rebels crew.

    Benedict Cumberbatch – or at least Benedict-on-a-stick – photobombing Ezra.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Lots of little girls wanted to pose with the Star Wars figures in the booth. One young lady, not pictured, wrapped her arms around the Inquisitor’s shin and refused to leave the pavilion. Child of the dark side!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The fan groups put together a most impressive Star Wars experience in the North Hall of Fan Expo. Their hand-built sets and their costume and weapon displays always drew crowds. They had multiple locations in their area for fundraising for Make-A-Wish, including Blast-A-Trooper and a green screen photo op. One of my favorite features were the screens they created. Guests in the booth could select to learn more about the 501st Legion, the Rebel Legion, or the R2-D2 Builders. Great job, guys! You should be proud.


    Kids came up with their own versions of what to do when a TIE fighter explodes.

    I had the good fortune of attending the dinner on Saturday night organized by the 501st Legion for the fan groups. Great time! Thank you to the 501st Canadian Garrison for the invite.

    Rebels unite!

    The real White Walkers — undead Leias stalk Fan Expo.

    Many thanks to Disney Canada, Hasbro, LEGO, the 501st, Rebel Legion, and the R2-D2 Builders for helping make our Toronto Fan Expo experience memorable not just for us, but for thousands of others who enjoyed Star Wars at the show.

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