1. We are the Skull Garrison, we stand by our values of Honor and Respect. There is a Skull inside all of us meaning that we are one and the same. We live to serve and serve to live. We are the Skull Garrison and we'll be Skulls till the End!

Tie Pilot listo para servir al Imperio! @skullapio

Discussion in 'Revision de trajes' started by Darth Citrus, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. Darth Citrus

    Darth Citrus 501st trooper


    Aquí unas fotos de mi traje terminado.


    IMG_7575.JPG IMG_7577.JPG IMG_7578.JPG IMG_7576.JPG IMG_7579.JPG IMG_7584.JPG IMG_7587.JPG
    Cafra Gumon likes this.
  2. Hell

    Hell Skull Officer Administrador

    Darth Citrus likes this.
  3. fernandotk2104

    fernandotk2104 Skull Officer Staff Member

    felicidades, bienvenido legionario
    Darth Citrus likes this.
  4. Darth Citrus

    Darth Citrus 501st trooper

    Gracias Hell y fernando. Contento por tenerlo listo. Que bonito es lo bonito!
  5. Epyonator

    Epyonator Skull Trooper

    Darth Citrus likes this.
  6. Skullapio

    Skullapio Oficial de Ejecutivo Staff Member

    Excelente trabajo, pues no hay nada que decir, mas que bienvenido nuevo traje.

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