1. We are the Skull Garrison, we stand by our values of Honor and Respect. There is a Skull inside all of us meaning that we are one and the same. We live to serve and serve to live. We are the Skull Garrison and we'll be Skulls till the End!

Nuevo Miembro de la Skull Garrison

Tema en 'Noticias recientes' comenzado por Skull News, 13 de Abril de 2013.

  1. Skull News

    Skull News Garrison News feed

    Francisco Castro BH-22275​

    La Skull Garrison se enorgullece al presentar a su mas reciente integrante BH-22275 Francisco Castro.
    Francisco estará portando un traje de Boba Fett en nuestros eventos. Felicidades soldado y a empezar a cazar Jedi y Rebeldes o Lord Vader no le dará su recompenza.​

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    MicaLeia 501st trooper

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