1. We are the Skull Garrison, we stand by our values of Honor and Respect. There is a Skull inside all of us meaning that we are one and the same. We live to serve and serve to live. We are the Skull Garrison and we'll be Skulls till the End!

Mercs "Corona Public Library Star Wars Night" Invasion Debriefing

Tema en 'Mandalorian Mercs News' comenzado por Mando Mercs News, 5 de Noviembre de 2013.

  1. Mando Mercs News

    Mando Mercs News Usuario registrado


    Invasion Location: Corona Public Library Star Wars Night - Corona, CA (USA)
    Date: October 22, 2013
    Clan Involved: Manda'galaar Clan
    Mission Objective: To assist the Corona Public Library in its annual fund raiser.

    Invasion Report: When a noble endeavor such as helping a local library raise funds to continue its mission of empowering Younglings to read, Manda'galaar Clan takes the call very seriously. Members of Manda'galaar braved the Southern California freeway system to be part of the Corona Public Library's annual Star Wars Night fund raiser. For a small donation, attendees could stand with members of the 501st, Mandalorian Mercs, and everyone's favorite spunky little Astromech droid, R2-D2 from the R2 Builders Club, and get their pictures taken.

    During the times when batteries needed to be changed in the camera, the Star Wars characters mixed and mingled with the attendees waiting in line. Many of the Younglings also came dressed as their favorite Star Wars characters so they could take part in a costume contest that also took place that evening.

    When all was said and done, almost 200 families made their way through the photo process, and both the fund raiser and the costume contest were deemed successful.

    Holorecords & Additional Information

    Original report by Kaden'Dha Runi

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